Tyler Mill (aka Muddy River Recreation Area) property was acquired from the New Haven Water Company by the Town of Wallingford for $804,645 in 1977, using Land Water Conservation Fund grant #233. LWCF funding made it possible to acquire this vast parcel of land, and ensures availability for public recreational use in perpetuity.

What is LWCF?

The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Act of 1965 (see Public Law 88-578,78 Stat 897) was enacted

“…to assist in preserving, developing, and assuring accessibility to all citizens of the United States of America of present and future generations and visitors who are lawfully present within the boundaries of the United States of America such quality and quantity of outdoor recreation resources as may be available and are necessary and desirable for individual active participation in such recreation and to strengthen the health and vitality of the citizens of the United States by

(1) providing funds for and authorizing federal assistance to the States in planning, acquisition, and development of needed land and water areas and facilities and

(2) providing funds for the federal acquisition and development of certain lands and other areas.”


Reflecting the goals of the LWCF Act, the goals of the LWCF State Assistance Program are to:

a. Meet State and locally identified public outdoor recreation resource needs to strengthen the health and vitality of the American People.

b.Increase the number of protected State and local outdoor recreation resourcesand to ensure their availability for public usein perpetuity.

c. Encourage sound planning and long-term partnerships to expand the quantity and to ensure the quality of needed State and local outdoor recreation resources. The LWCF State Assistance Program provides matching grants to States, and through theStates to local governments, for the acquisition and development of public outdoor recreation areas and facilities

NPS Guide on LWCF

The Land Water Conservation Fund has an immense impact on access to outdoor spaces for recreation across the United States; locally it enabled Tyler Mill Preserve to exist and become what it is today.

Federal LWCF Information (NPS.gov)

CT DEEP “state side” LWCF Information